Welcome to Titus Works' Blog Spot

Thank you so much for visiting Titus Works Ministries' blog spot. I cannot tell you how excited I am to know YOU are reading these words! Join our page and watch it grow into what God has planned for His Glory! Again, thank you for your visit and I pray it will not be your last! May God Bless You and keep You is my prayer!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Titus Works Empowerment Conference Call ~ Single & Waiting or Single & Living

Okay I hear you from here. . ."Why is she sending this to me I am not single?" Well I sent it because if you have ever experienced the single life we need you on this call. Titus is about sharing our experiences, our strengths and our hopes!! If you still do not agree with me maybe you know someone who could be blessed from this call!! Or be a blessing on this call. . .is that you?  

So many people have made the statement, "If I could just meet a good  man or a good woman." Then some of us have met a good man or a good woman and once the smoke cleared you still feel the same way you did prior to meeting them.  So my question to you is, HAVE YOU MET YOU? What are you doing while you wait? Are you paying to much attention to the wait? If you are. . . you might be missing something of great value. . .YOU!

Join us this Thursday, 8:00 p.m. CST. . .this is a call you don't want to miss!