Welcome to Titus Works' Blog Spot

Thank you so much for visiting Titus Works Ministries' blog spot. I cannot tell you how excited I am to know YOU are reading these words! Join our page and watch it grow into what God has planned for His Glory! Again, thank you for your visit and I pray it will not be your last! May God Bless You and keep You is my prayer!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Can you do it? Can you Forgive no matter what? Your answer may be, "depends on what happened" or "I may forgive but I won't forget." These are two of the most popular answers people usually give. But what we should say, is with God's help forgiveness is possible in any situation. Thank God, because I know I have needed to be forgiven. I am so grateful that for the most part have received it from humans, but from God I have received it EVERY TIME  In Ezekiel 16:63 it reads, "I forgive you all that you have done, says the Lord God!" We are forgiven. No matter what we've done. No matter how or when or what. . .God's forgiveness is waiting for us. The moment we acknowledge our sin and ask to be forgiven, it's done.
Therefore, God invites us to forgive out of gratitude for what He's done for us. He has forgiven us . . .  freely and completely. Remember that no one could hurt you as much as your sin has hurt God. When we look at it that way, forgiveness becomes a PRIVILEGE AND A MUST!

Join Titus Works this Thursday, at 8:00 pm, cst. for an incredible call with our incredible guest Pastor Chris Hartwell. . . this call you do not want to miss!