Welcome to Titus Works' Blog Spot

Thank you so much for visiting Titus Works Ministries' blog spot. I cannot tell you how excited I am to know YOU are reading these words! Join our page and watch it grow into what God has planned for His Glory! Again, thank you for your visit and I pray it will not be your last! May God Bless You and keep You is my prayer!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Titus Work Empowerment Conference Call

If you missed the powerful message she gave us previously
. . . she's back!!

Join Titus Works with
Minister Jackie Hill
as God blesses us through her on
our subject. . . . Salvation

What does that look like, feel like, how do I know I have it!!! Am I really saved??? 
Are you or do you know someone sitting in church faking? Waiting for some feeling? A certain type of look. . .doing what you see hoping to feel what you think others look like they are feeling?. . .Are you asking the question inwardly ~  HOW DO I GET THAT!!!!

This call is to relay a message that it is so much more than a feeling! The so much more, is what brings on what we feel and how we react to our feelings. My relationship with God brings out this response that words sometimes cannot explain. So when I see others or myself doing what we do. It is because I cannot find the words to express what it is I want to express about this relationship that God and I have. . . it is so much bigger than what I feel! 
Join Titus Works Thursday, October 6th at 8:00 p.m.
(424) 203-8000 access code 179775#

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