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Thank you so much for visiting Titus Works Ministries' blog spot. I cannot tell you how excited I am to know YOU are reading these words! Join our page and watch it grow into what God has planned for His Glory! Again, thank you for your visit and I pray it will not be your last! May God Bless You and keep You is my prayer!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Titus Works Empowerment Blog ~ Alive But Secretly Depressed. . .

This Thursday Titus Works is very excited about the return of our special guest, Rev. Jonathan Wilkins to teach us on the subject of, "Alive But Secretly Depressed." Is that you?? Do you know someone who is living this way? There are people who have lived in a depressed state for many years and don't realize it. Why,  because it feels so much like the norm.

"Anytime the Bible talks about God's will, what God wants for your life, it is time to pay close attention. There are three things God wants you to do all the time, in all circumstances rejoice, pray, and say thank you. While each of these actions is important on its own, together they provide the secret to a joy-filled life.

The charge to rejoice always seems to need no explanation, except that many life situations don't seem to be cause for rejoicing. However, while happiness ebbs and flows in relation to your situation, genuine joy remains constant regardless of what's going on around you. Your feelings of joy may rise and fall, but your reasons for joy remain steady and strong. That's because the joy the Bible speaks about is rooted in our relationship with GOD, not in our circumstances." (100 Favorite Bible Verses, 2005) Seek God and whatever state you may be in can change!!!

Model Goodness!!!!

  •  100 Favorite Bible Verses, Copyright 2005, by W Publishing Group (A Division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.)

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