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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Titus Works Empowerment Blog

We Need Each Other                             
In getting ready for the Titus Works Empowerment Conference call, I thought this might help us to give some thought to the topic. One of the most dramatic stories of friendship in the Bible is that of David and Jonathan. David, once King Saul's favorite, has become the target of the king's growing madness and wrath.  Jonathan, torn between his love for his father and his friend, ultimately obeys God at great personal risk and cost, protects David on numerous occasions. David reciprocates that love by sparing Saul's life on two occasions and blessing  Jonathan's children  and grandchildren.

Sometimes friendship expresses more intense love than that we sIUshare with our family. But without exception, all of us need the support of someone we trust and whom we can share our joys, sorrows, challenges, and heart with.

A true friend is someone to cry with as a comfort in times of trouble; someone to laugh with in order to rekindle joy; someone to pray with to lift our spirits; someone to argue with as we challenge each other to grow and be our best; someone to share hearts with us so that we can know them and ourselves better; someone to forgive and be forgiven by as we learn about God's redemptive love for us; someone to grow old with as we become women of wisdom and grace together.
In other words, friends are good for the soul.

A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. . . Proverbs 18:24 NKJV

Model Goodness
Renee’ Daniels

Lessons for Life. . .Soul Matters

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