Welcome to Titus Works' Blog Spot

Thank you so much for visiting Titus Works Ministries' blog spot. I cannot tell you how excited I am to know YOU are reading these words! Join our page and watch it grow into what God has planned for His Glory! Again, thank you for your visit and I pray it will not be your last! May God Bless You and keep You is my prayer!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Titus Works Empowerment Conference Call

Have you ever made the statement, "I though she/he was my friend?" Well I have and often wondered how do you really know. . . This call is to talk about some of those things that could assist us in how we choose the people we surround ourselves with. You really don't want to miss this call!! 
Model Goodness!

1 comment:

  1. I love it. I cannot wait for this call. Definitely a well needed topic for discussion.
